
A picture blog thru my eyes

Wednesday, July 27, 2005

What is luck? Are people born lucky?
Last month i was in LA for an event which my company was involved in. One of the guest speaker was none other then Scotts adam , creator of the popular comic strip Dilbert.
Sharing with us his work experence from his cubicle days.
How he got the idea of Dilbert and other toons that he have.

Also he mentioned a very interesting quote," Does Luck = Preparation + Opportunity?"
He go on explained that Luck and Opportunity are the same . So its basically about Preparation.
Once you are prepared when the time comes your skills will be put to use... and thus you will be successful in your work.


Thats scotts signature with dilbert the cartoon character he created..."rumoured" that dilbert is one of his colleague from his previous job


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